

This method is data-driven, inductive (the relevant units are identified through annotation) and modular. piles stacking, disfluencies, repetitions, discourse markers, overlaps, co-enunciation, false starts, self-repairs and truncations. The macrosyntactic framework developed in the ANR Rhapsodie project (Lacheret, Pietrandrea & Tchobanov 2014) has proved to be particularly efficient in dealing with the specificities of oral corpora, e.g. The project is a collaboration between: Llacan, studying lesser-described languages and Modyco, specialised in the interaction of prosody and syntax in French and the development of large treebanks, and two Nigerian leading experts on Naija (F. Understanding the patterns observed in the prosody of emerging languages, and linking the prosodic description of Naija to that of its grammatical and information structures through the use of NLP tools. Achieving a better understanding of the variations of Naija along the formal-informal functional scale through the study of its use on university campuses and in the media, and more specifically on the radio (news reporting, editorials, information, etc.).4. Comparing the RNC with the Nigerian International Corpus of English (ICE Nigeria), both qualitatively and quantitatively. Building a reference 500,000 words oral corpus (the Reference Naija Corpus, RNC), collected in 11 different points of survey in the country, with a deeply annotated and manually checked sub-section of 100,000 words (the Naija prosodic and syntactic Treebank, GTB). It examines diachronic, diatopic, diaphasic, diastratic, and genre variation.ġ.


NaijaSynCor studies the structure and functions of Naija (Common Nigerian Pidgin) in Nigeria today. It examines diachronic, diatopic, diaphasic, diastratic, and genre variation. This study proposes to assess whether this holds true for the rest of Nigeria where Naija is spoken by over 75 million speakers. Spoken by educated Nigerians, it has been proved by Deuber (2005) to develop in Lagos as a discrete language, separate from Nigerian English. NaijaSynCor takes an exhaustive and in-depth look at the structure of Naija (Common Nigerian Pidgin) in Nigeria today. A corpus-based study of Naija (Common Nigerian Pidgin) DS10 - Défi des autres savoirs A Corpus-based Macro-Syntactic Study of Naija (Nigerian Pidgin) – NaijaSynCor NaijaSynCor.
